about chrissy

chrissy stegman is a poet/writer from baltimore, maryland. her work has been featured in many journals. she is the recipient of the 2022 patricia bibby idyllwild arts scholarship for poetry and placed second for the 2022 ellen conroy kennedy poetry prize. she is a 2023 best of the net nominee. 

Links to some of my work:

Collision Theory

Oddball Magazine

How to Identify a Wildflower

Meet Chrissy Stegman — 2022 Second Place Winner of the Ellen Conroy Kennedy Poetry Contest | HoCoPoLitSo

Red Ogre Review

Gone Lawn, Issue 48

Gone Lawn, Issue 55

Yellow Arrow Publishing: Interview

Rejection Letters

Blue Heron Review

Persephone on a low self-esteem day, read it here

Poetry Breakfast, read it here

A Sunday with Martha – Fictive Dream

Boats Against the Current

Poverty House | Holler

Gargoyle Magazine: Portrait of the Poet Viewed from a Blind Spot